Nerdcore Astrotypes: astrological archetypes revealed and explained through their correlations to comic books, cartoons, anime, video games, or anything else that falls within the realm of nerddom. This is where modern mythologies are serious business!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Taoist sexual alchemy as explained through use of an anime reference.

Notice: This article contains mature content. It is peppered with references to pee-pees and yum-yums. You done been disclaimered.

I know it probably looked like The Angel of Death had paid me a visit on account of my last piece. But no. For reasons that are boring and irrelevant (mostly related to Saturn transitioning my First House,) I had to take a teensy hiatus there. But we're hoping that's all behind us, and I should be back up here on my soap box to spew my madness to anyone who'll stop and listen at least once or twice a month.

So, let's talk about sex and anime. Don't worry, I'll cycle back around to astrology somehow.

Sexuality and Super Moves

Yu Yu Hakusho is a Shounen series about a group of four super-powered individuals who investigate spiritual imbalances in the living world on behalf of The Spirit Realm (the land of the dead. A mix between Heaven and Hades, essentially.) Like all other Shounen anime, however, it ends up being an excuse to see our young adventurers battle other groups of super-powered individuals, which inevitably leads to a story arc involving a martial arts tournament.

It is in this tournament arc that we focus, and on one character in particular: the diminutive, brooding anti-hero named Hiei. But first, a rundown on the general theory of Taoist sexual alchemy.

*WARNING: These practices can be dangerous if you do them improperly. Please don't mistake any of the following for instruction. I'll recommend some good books on the subject later for anyone interested in learning more.

If you've any familiarity with Tai Chi or Yoga, you've probably heard of the theoretical property known as chi, ki, or prana. Whatever name you give it (we'll stick with "chi" for the duration,) it is a raw source of bio-electric energy that exists in every living thing. It is within us from birth, and is also drawn from natural sources like breath, food, and sleep. Meditative practices such as those listed above can increase both the amount of chi in the body and the quality of chi flow in the body, as emotional or physical trauma, among other factors, can stagnate the chi.

Physical and mental exertion are two factors that can deplete chi. So is loss of blood, as in menstruation. So is ejaculation.

Taoist sexuality, therefore, aims to conserve energy by eliminating the need to ejaculate. "Fuck that!" some of you may be saying. Well, hang on a sec. You still have orgasms, you just learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation. See, when you stimulate an area of the body, such as the genitals, a lot of blood and chi is accumulated in that spot. Most Taoist sexual practices include the method of drawing this chi from the genitals, up the spine, up into the crown point on the top of your head. And it feels fantastic.

When you've had your fun, it's usually a good idea to allow the chi to flow down the front of your body into the dan tien (a couple inches below the navel,) where it can be stored.

Dedication to this practice can allow a man to have orgasms that last minutes, even hours, which is a lot more hang time and a lot less clean up than doing it the old-fashioned way. And also, sipping this energy up the spine and through the proper channels leads to a more harmonious flow of chi. It's like Tai Chi for your penis! (or vagina.)

With this in mind, we turn back to Hiei.

I named mine "Fiery Death Dragon."

Hiei is a demon who fights on the side of the angels. This is out of respect for Yuusuke, the protagonist, who beat him soundly in one of the earliest fights in the series. Being a fire demon, the culmination of Hiei's power is the ability to use the Ensatsu Kokuryu Ha ("Fiery Murderous Black Dragon Wave,") wherein he summons up a draconian apparition composed entirely from hellfire. The dragon is sealed inside of a black tattoo which runs up Hiei's right arm, and it is from there that it is conjured.

The wind-up...

...and the pitch!

As one might expect, the goal of this technique is to reduce the target to cinders, which is exactly what Hiei does the first time he uses it. He also ends up with horrible burns on the entirety of his right arm. Clearly, damaging oneself in a fight is less than ideal. So he decides not to use the technique until he can control it, and goes off to train and train and train.

So it goes with run of the mill male sexuality. The ability to produce and expel sperm is a powerful talent! But it comes at the cost of a large depletion of chi, which is the reason many guys pass out shortly after blowing a load. We need to recover from self-inflicted damage.

The results of Hiei's training are evident in the decisive final battle of the tournament. He is forced to play his trump card once again, but this time, he sustains no damage, and the technique is exponentially more powerful - so much so that random, low-level demons, spectators to the dark proceedings, burst into flames and die without even coming near the fearsome projectile.

But Hiei's opponent, Bui, is not only able to sustain a direct hit from the dragon, but is able to turn it around and throw it back at Hiei. It looks as though Hiei will be destroyed by his own weapon, but of course, he isn't. In fact, having the dragon turned back on him was what he had trained for, what he was waiting for. It turns out that when the caster sucks back in his own Kokuryuha, it acts as a powerful "drug" which temporarily jacks up their speed and strength. With this, he easily outmaneuvers and overpowers Bui, winning the match handily.

It turns out that a side-effect of gaining this power is that Hiei needs to rest and sleep to recuperate from the use of the dragon. So it is here that any similarity with Taoist sexual practice ends; if a man were to retain his semen and store the resultant chi, he would not need to pass out after, and may even feel wired from the collected energy in the crown point.

Was it good for you?

But aside from this difference, what Hiei did in that match is akin to what Taoist sexual practices attempt to do. Rather than fire our supermove off with reckless abandon, it's better to turn it inward and self-fertilize. I realize that sounds a little gross. The added stamina and lifespan, however, are not.

Let's talk about Uranus and The Moon.

Powerful Foundations

Uranus is a very Yang/male energy, one which is known to shatter structures for the purpose of change. For this reason, it has been associated with revolution and new, daring ideas. Ingenious breakthroughs. It is also associated with sperm, which causes a drastic change in the structure of the ovum - it makes it into a baby.

The Moon is the light which represents foundations, both physical and emotional. It is archetypal Yin/feminine, passive and motherly. Not very pro-active, you'll usually see a person's Venus or Mars acting for the benefit of The Moon. It is meant to support, and to be a fertile ground for vitality within the body.

I have observed some very negative effects when Uranus transits The Moon. Many people don't have very malleable physical or emotional foundations, and are unwilling to accept the changes that Uranus wants to bring about. This can cause a person to be exposed to an idea that shakes them to the core, wherein they either have to change how they feel or live a lie. Or it can be something as blunt as a near-death experience, wherein actual physical harm is inflicted.

This is not without mythological basis. We can see typical patterns of the Moon-Uranus relationship in the Greek creation myth. Wikipedia sez: "In the Olympian creation myth...Uranus came every single night to cover the earth and mate with Gaia, but he hated the children she bore him...Uranus imprisoned Gaia's youngest children in Tartarus, deep within Earth, where they caused pain to Gaia." Uranus' demands can cause discomfort and pain to The Moon, as he is as emotionally distant to that which he bears as she is protective and nurturing.

The sperm-ovum idea is a beneficial outcome of the Uranus-Moon relationship. So is sexual alchemy.

The sperm (Uranian energy) is anchored to the body (Moon.) Uncomfortable staying in one spot when excited, it tries to burst free. The body, sensing that it would be pleasurable to expel the sperm, willingly complies. The result is not really that great for either, though. The Moon becomes less fertile, and Uranus ends up on the business end of a gym sock.

Unless! If Uranus is worked with, harnessed, controlled, then it can be directed into the very soil where it originated. The Moon increases in fecundity, which translates into a higher sense of well-being for the man, and in many cases, a greater emotional stability.

It's at this point that I psychically sense a collective impatience in my female readers. Don't worry, gals. The sexual energy collected in your sacred hoo-ha can serve the same Uranian purpose if circulated up the spine and to the crown. And you don't have to worry about any loss of chi though ejaculation...unless you're a squirter, and even then, I'm not sure how much chi you'd lose. Maybe some of you girls would like to join me to study this? I've moved out of my parents house, and I have manga and Dr. Pepper. Rrrow. (Just kidding, I don't drink Dr. Pepper.)

The ladies do lose a lot of chi once a month to Aunt Flo, but I have read about Taoist practices which supposedly turn off that faucet, thereby keeping the chi all stored up.

Also ladies, I should add that these techniques exist for your pleasure. A man who has practiced sexual Kung Fu will last way longer in the sack, will be more attentive and patient, and will likely seek out a higher state of ecstasy through emotional connection with you, his lover. And because the goal is to eliminate ejaculation, they run less of a risk of impregnating you...unless you're trying to get preggers, in which case, they'll be the drone who has super sperm, to make a strong and healthy baby. Lastly, a guy who practices Taoist sexual alchemy will be much less likely to spunk on your stomach.

If you'd like to learn more about the individual components of the preceding insanity melange, then please look to the links provided below:

Mantak Chia's "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" on
Mantak Chia's "The Multi-Orgasmic Woman" on
Books by Stephen T. Chang. ("The Tao of Sexology" is probably one of the best books on the subject.)
The Deer Exercise for Men.
The Moon & Uranus.
Yoshihiro Togashi.

Until next time!

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